The Northfield Park harness racing track is located adjacent to 中国用谷歌商店加速软件 on the Northfield Park grounds. These two legendary facilities combine to create Ohio's PREMIER gaming destination.
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Wager and win daily on top thoroughbred and harness tracks from around the world, with action starting around noon and going as late as 1 AM. A variety of seating options is available, including our popular private TV carrels and our Trackside Lounge.
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Lady Luck's Clubhouse is currently closed for the season. Please visit our concession stand for weekly food and beverage specials including sandwiches, hot dogs, pizza, wings and more!
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Promotions & Special Events
Enjoy some of Ohio's top Harness Stakes races, special promotions, giveaways and player receptions in our new, upscale simulcast lounge. Northfield Park is much more than racing and wagering!
Learn More Promotions & Special Events
Northfield’s extensive racing schedule – 200+ nights per year – guarantees a great wagering product while also featuring the sport’s best horses in the Ohio Sires Stakes, Battle of Lake Erie, Cleveland Trotting Classic, Carl Milstein Memorial and the Courageous Lady.
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Wager and win daily on top thoroughbred and harness tracks from around the world, with action starting around noon and going as late as 1 AM. A variety of seating options is available, including our popular private TV carrels and our Trackside Lounge.
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Learn More Dining -
Promotions & Special Events
Enjoy some of Ohio's top Harness Stakes races, special promotions, giveaways and player receptions in our new, upscale simulcast lounge. Northfield Park is much more than racing and wagering!
Learn More Promotions & Special Events
Pick 4: $0
Pick 5: $0
Click to Watch Northfield Live Races & Replays
Ayers Above Handicapping Selections
Northfield Park's Official Youtube Page
10705 Northfield Rd.
Northfield, OH 44067
(330) 467-4101
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Northfield's results are available on the Hotline.
Simulcast results are available at:
www.ustrotting.com (US Harness)
www.standardbredcanada.ca (Canadian Harness)
www.drf.com (Thoroughbred)
Simulcast schedules are available in our programs and at our simulcast page.
Track Info
We are located on Route 8 (Northfield Road), off the Forbes Road exit of I-271, 15 miles southeast of Downtown Cleveland.
Track Size: Half-mile
Speed Rating: 2:00.1
Length of Homestretch: 440'
Width of Homestretch: 80'
Starters Behind Gate: 8
Hubrail: No
Passing Lane: Yes
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Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday
February - June
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday
July - August
Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Special Live Racing Days
Sunday, May 24
Friday, September 4
Sunday, September 6
No Live Racing Days
Monday, September 7
Monday, November 2
Closed Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
IN ADDITION TO OUR LIVE RACING SCHEDULE, NORTHFIELD PARK IS OPEN FOR SIMULCASTING 363 DAYS A YEAR! Closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Doors open about 30 minutes before first simulcast post. Check our simulcasting schedule for early simulcast dates or call 330-467-4101 for special opening times and information!
MGM Northfield Park is Ohio’s award-winning gaming, dining, and entertainment destination, located on the Northfield Park harness racing grounds. MGM Northfield Park offers more than 2,300 gaming devices, varied dining options, unparalleled live music and comedy events, hosts guests for a variety of functions and banquets, a retail shop, and state-of-the-art gas service station and car wash.
10777 Northfield Road
Northfield, OH 44067
To purchase Win photos of a race or replays of all of Northfield Park's races visit the Track Photographer's Office, located at the center grandstand entrance, during live racing hours. To contact Jeff Zamaiko you may do so by phone at 440-343-1440 or by email at jj@jjfoto.com.